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Youngest person to implant magnets.

I am probably the youngest person on this forum to implant magnets. I implanted almost exactly 2 months ago at the age of 12 with success, however I did not have my parents permission. I am now 13 and my parents are having a doctor remove my magnets today, because of fear of what might happen, mainly due to my magnets possible interaction with my growth plates causing stunted fingers. Honestly it feels as if someone is going to cut off my leg. Anyway, just thought I should share if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Side note: I have gotten enough criticism, so please refrain from calling me an idiot or things of that matter.


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. I won't call you an idiot, in fact i'd say that there's no need to remove them (and in fact removal will make the risk of infection worse).

    Did you implant properly coated magnets? Where did you get them from?

    I'd ask your parents to ask the doctor to assess you for actual risk before removing them, if they're coated properly then there's a greater risk from removal as it means making a fresh incision. Unless there's an urgent medical reason to remove them (rather than simple parental disapproval) it'd be wise to leave them in.

    Ask your parents to come to this forum with any questions they have and ask them to have the doctor assess actual risks.
  2. That said however, I must say this: nobody under 18 should be doing this stuff, especially not without parental consent.

    I hope you did the procedure properly but a doctor would be better suited to evaluating how you're healing etc.

    Should the magnets have to come out, you can always try again when you're older, or perhaps ask your parents if you can have a professional implant them.
  3. I won't encourage other people to do it, because not everyone is capable, but let no one say that you're too young to try something, as long as you've made all the preparations, and taken all the necessary safety measures. Sometimes, society just isn't ready for things like this, though.
  4. How did you get the magnets?
  5. How did the parents find out? I'm impressed. Back when I was a minor I was always doing piercings on myself but that didn't start till I was around 16. A box of sterilized needles purchased online and YouTube was all needed to believe I was a professional at that age....
  6. Cool man. If nothing else it's a story. 12 year old me probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off.
  7. Your tougher then me kid koodos
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