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Post here if you have had a magnet implanted


If you have at any point had a magnet implanted, whether it has rejected or not, please post below or fill out the spreadsheet above. If you had previously posted about your procedure, feel free to post a link to that instead or in addition. I'm looking to aggregate and centralize some meaningful data on any people that have at any point had a magnet implanted. Please copy-paste and fill out the fields below (or comment on the spreadsheet above). If you have had multiple magnet implants please fill out one of these for each magnet separately.

Magnet Type: 
Implant Date: 
Outcome, duration:
Implant method: 
Would closure method: 
Additional notes: 

If enough data is aggregated we can begin to get a quantitative picture of overall success rates, potential causes for failure, and general trends. 


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. As an example, my data:

    Magnet Type: m31
    Implant Date: August 2015
    Outcome, duration: Success, 2 months
    Implanter: Cassox
    Implant method: Scalpel
    Would closure method: Stitches
    Additional notes: Avoided moisture like the plague, extremely cautious not to touch the implant site.
  2. Magnet type: ~4 mm diametre gold plaited neodynium magnet Implant date: ? Outcome: Failure Duration: 4 days first try, 10 second Implanter: Me, with assistance from myself and I Implant method: scalpel, picjeted witha needle Wound closure method: Superglue Additional notes: In toe, Too shallow (implanted in dermis, skin pushed it out when it grew back)
  3. Working at the moment so don't have much time to chat.

    Link is back when I spent a month documenting my implant and progress:

    Magnet Type: 2, both m31
    Implant Date: In link
    Outcome, duration: Success, check link for duration
    Implanter: Cassox
    Implant method: Scalpel
    Would closure method: Stitch
    Additional notes: also in link for details however I got ring finger's previous magnet removed then immediately placed a m31 into the opening and had it stitched up. Scar tissue from previous is thicker than scar tissue from the new implant on middle finger.
  4. added my info and made the first line sticky so it's easier to fill in information
  5. Cassox did my m31 in my left hand, middle finger back at the last Grindfest - healed up great.

  6. Magnet Type: Von Cyborg cylindrical (not sure of the strength)
    Implant Date: 12 Oct 2015
    Outcome, duration: Implanted on the outer side of my left hand; took about 10 minutes
    Implanter: Pineapple Tangaroa
    Implant method: scalpel
    Would closure method: no stitches, just a pressure bandage
    Additional notes: a bump is visible where the magnet is; it's very strong!
  7. Long time listener, first time caller.

    Magnet type: I believe it's an M36.
    Implant date: January 2015
    Outcome: perfect
    Duration: 10 months, ongoing.
    Implanter: Brian Decker
    Implant method: Scalpel
    Wound closure: stitch
    Additional notes: No particular care over standard first aid and pain abatement.
  8. Magnet type: n52 quad-coated (nickle,copper,nickle,gold) 1/4th in x 1/16th in (about 6mm x 1.5mm) Implant date: October 28th Outcome: perfect so far Duration: 12 hours Implanter: Me Implant method: Box Opener Wound closure: super glue Notes: this magnet was more than twice as big as the m31 which was a slight problem, I dont have anesthetics unfortunately so the pain was a bit hard to swallow. I did record the whole procedure (in 4k) and I will upload it sometime next week. I'll keep you guys updated
Displaying all 8 comments