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An apology and an offer from an old friend

Hello again everyone,

I'm really happy to see that the community is still growing and going strong, and I'm sorry that I've been away from it for so long. After what happened with the first group buy way back in April, I felt taken for a fool and just wanted to cut my losses and leave. I did eventually go to a local piercer and was flat out told "no", as insurance and the law regarding surgical procedures (which is what this falls under) is very strict. As I remember lepht saying, GP's won't even discuss the subject, so I'm pretty much looking at paying £200 per implant at DC in London which is almost as much after conversion to USD as I put up in funding originally (unless someone from the UK has managed this and is comfortable giving me a lead.)

In any case I'm really happy to see that those of you who made use of the magnets I sent have (mostly) seen success in using them. I happen to have approximately 64 magnets left over (V&P sent a couple extra in the original package for some reason) remaining, and since that's way more than enough for me (assuming I even find someone to help out) I've decided to give back to the community once more and send out most of my remaining stock (especially since these things are so hard to get hold of in the first place.)

I've finally felt ready to actually go through my records and cross-check details to find out exactly who has paid and who hasn't, and I'm happy to report that out of 15 of you who participated, 11 of you paid quickly and efficiently as requested. Some of you even paid a little over the odds! There are four people who still haven't paid, I was unsure whether to name and shame, but since three of the four disappeared from the forums immediately after I sent packages I see no harm in it for the most part. I will not be posting their personal information.

Last Active: February 20th

(Address removed)

Your item, posted on 19/03/11 with reference LY425661748GB was delivered in CANADA on 28/03/11.
£6.72 shipping ($10.90) - 20 Magnets ($19.00) - LY425661748GB - ($29.90)
No response to shipping PM.

Last Active: April 1st

(Address removed)

Your item, posted on 19/03/11 with reference LY425661677GB was delivered in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on 01/04/11.
£6.72 shipping ($10.90) - 10 Magnets ($9.50) - LY425661677GB - ($20.40)
Response to shipping PM: Great! I will send payment once package arrives. Thanks again!

Last Active: April 5th

(Address removed)

Your item, posted on 19/03/11 with reference LY425661646GB was delivered in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on 01/04/11
£6.72 shipping ($10.90) - 20 Magnets ($19.00) - LY425661646GB - ($29.90)
Shipping PM could not be found. Do PM's get deleted from both user's records when one user deletes it? I sent PM's to everyone.

Nemogrinds has not yet paid me, but he was kind enough to at least attempt to do so. My apologies for naming you since you are still active (well, you stuck around a few months, anyway.) He requested my address May 19th in order to send me a money order due to a $45 surcharge that would have been levied by his bank. This has not arrived and I don't hold much hope at this point.

Your item, posted on 19/03/11 with reference LY425661646GB was delivered in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on 01/04/11.
£6.72 shipping ($10.90) - 10 Magnets ($9.50) - LY425661663GB - ($20.40)

If you add up the totals in the above list you will see that I have been underpaid to the tune of $100.60 or approximately £62.43 according to Google. EDIT: Just worked out that if you subtract the (very generous) total overpayment/tips of $15.52 the total is in fact $85.08 (~£53.11). Please note that this is not a request for the rest of the community to "pick up the slack".

With regard to my remaining stock I am happy to provide magnets for the same price I did before: $0.95/magnet

10 - $9.50
20 - $19
30 - $28.50

Plus shipping (cost of which is between £6.72 (~$10.90) and £7.45 (~$12.08) to most countries.)

This time however I will be requesting payment in advance, by SWIFT transfer (preferred) or PayPal. Sorry, but you'll just have to trust me. The forum members who participated in the first buy can attest to the quality of my service.

I hope that with my return the community would permit me to take an active role once again.

Kindest regards,


EDIT EDIT: IRC is down? D:


Displaying all 17 comments
  1. I can certainly vouch for @MrWizrd's service; the package arrived pretty quickly, especially considering that it had to go through the horrible bureaucracy at my university. As for @MrWizrd, have you considered setting up a merchant account? I think there are places where you can do that for free, and it would provide an alternative for those who both hate PayPal (as they should) and would prefer not to pay the fee for international wire transfer.
  2. @Ian Thanks for vouching for me, always nice to get good reviews.

    With regard to a merchant account, I'm not sure, but I do have an account with (although I haven't actually used it to conduct a transaction yet.) Does that count, or can you recommend a service?
  3. @MrWizrd: I'd go with, which I've used a few times. The only fees are the discount rate (if you're going through another merchant, such as a credit card company) and the transaction fee, both of which are smaller than PayPal's. They also advertise themselves as not being PayPal, which is an improvement. I've never heard of, though, so that might be even better. ~Ian
  4. I also received excellent service from MrWizrd. I received the magnets promptly, and he was highly communicative during the entire process. Still have one of the magnets I got in my finger to this day. Kinda thinking about getting some more, since I lost every single other one. :(
  5. @Ian, merchant accounts look good, though I don't sell online often enough to warrant a monthly fee really though... provide a completely different kind of service though so... *shrug*

    @Oak you lost... 9? I must admit they are easy to lose, a good idea is a white cloth in a box, or keeping 'em in a bag and putting them away in somewhere obvious and not moving them... *shrug*. If you want some more I can obviously send you some :)
  6. @MrWizrd Yeah... I was keeping them on this large binder clip that I had on the edge of my desk, and then when I went to grab them one day, I couldn't find the clip. I've since moved out of the place, and I neither found the magnets nor the clip during packing. Your box idea is obviously way better than mine. Then again, I'm capable of losing just about anything - it's sort of my super power.

    I'm definitely considering buying more from you, but I'm gonna think on it for a while longer. I'm worried that if I get more, I'm going to have trouble resisting a second implantation, and that's probably not a good idea right now, haha. Definitely appreciate your helpfulness in selling/distributing them still, especially after you got burned last time. 
  7. @MrWizrdThe website I provided has "no annual [or monthly] fee".  Like I said, the only fees I'm aware of are ones that you'd also get with PayPal, and they're more expensive with PayPal than with that site.

    I did check out, though, and it seems usable enough.

  8. Actually, I just found a red flag: charges a minimum of $25 for transactions in which the buyer is outside of the United States.  Since most of the transactions are probably going to be less than $30, that's losing a lot of money.
  9. Hi! I've been lurking around here for a while, and I've decided to finally make an account and join the community. 

    @MrWizrd: I'm interested in buying a few magnets. Do you still have any available? If so, how can we arrange payment and shipping?

  10. @Oak:  For the record, I just keep mine in the original container, in the paper bag, the paper envelope, and the outer envelope.  Not only is this a good way to keep track of them, keeping them in bubble wrap can't exactly hurt.

    The problem is, I've been both too busy and too much of a wuss to actually go through with the procedure.  That, and I can't find anyone here who would be willing to help a person slice his fingers open (for some reason...).  I'll do it somehow, though, if it kills me.  Well, maybe not then...

  11. Cerasi: Sure. Let me know how many you want. Here's a paste from further up:

    With regard to my remaining stock I am happy to provide magnets for the same price I did before: $0.95/magnet

    10 - $9.50
    20 - $19
    30 - $28.50

    Plus shipping (cost of which is between £6.72 (~$10.90) and £7.45 (~$12.08) to most countries.)

    If you PM me a name and address we can go from there. I'll accept payment in advance via PayPal or SWIFT transfer (via your bank).

    Sorry for the slow response, RL, Christmas and all that :)
  12. Oh wow, this is neat. I would jump on this but I haven't the money right now (will be remedied near the end of the month) and I haven't even begun doing any biohacking of my own, and was thinking of starting with a simple RFID to test my grit.

    If there is still stock when I'm ready to do this you can count me as a guaranteed purchase. I know this message isn't very useful but I can see that the forum is quite inactive and thought I would chime in letting you know your efforts are appreciated by a complete newbie.
  13. Hey Sarcose,

    I got your PM, and though I'm a little busy at the moment I'm happy to send some to you within relatively short order as time allows, bearing in mind that the final weeks of my undergraduate degree are really taking their toll at the moment.

    Though I've been relatively inactive here for some time, with any luck I'll have a job and more free time within short order and be able to contribute more to the community. It's nice to know that my efforts don't go to waste ;)
  14. Hey I just joined, I'm thinking about implanting a few magnets in my left hand. I was just wondering if they interfere with each other? e.g. if you had one in your index finger and one in your thumb and you touched finger to thumb would you feel them pull on each other? If so how hard because I've heard that too much magnetic force on them can damage the skin around and I don't want to fall asleep and wake up with them shifted. Also what happens if you pick up a neodymium magnet of a few inches or so? Would it pull it out? I'm a worrier I know :)
  15. @djangojerusalem:  According to Lepht, if you put the magnets in the wrong places in the fingers, they can set each other off, but it's not likely that they'll exert that much force.  Same thing with a strong magnet; there have been examples of people who've gotten MRIs with magnet implants without any trouble with it ripping out.

  16. @djangojerusalem: Picking up strong neodyms is a no-no; I'd be impressed if you managed it - my implant rolled over when a stack of neodyms was waved a few inches away, which prompted a serious flinch reaction. ",
  17. What are the specs on these magnets? I.E. dimensions, type of coating, etc.
Displaying all 17 comments