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Quick question regarding the magnet's

Hi i'd like to implant a magnet but am a little squeamish towards physically cutting myself open and jamming one in there, and i've heard that you can buy needles that can implant it straight into your finger so is there anyway one could buy such a needle? also is there any other part of the body that would function just as well for the implant? such as maybe on your back and maybe even your foot (although i wouldn't exactly want to get one there lol) and if implanted at a young age will it continue to function / not be rejected 10-20-50-100 year's in the future? thanks in advance


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  1. Why can't you just go and see a piercer? I know it's not in the DIY tradition, but a piercer know with accuracy what he is doing (or maybe I'm saying bullshit.) Me I'm planning to go to see a piercer.
  2. What zeitgeist said - if you're squeamish, go and see a professional, has a partner map which should help you find someone and there's a "help finding implanters" section on this very forum.

    As for whether it'll continue functioning: i've heard that neodymium magnets won't lose strength for 1000s of years so if you're still alive by that point I doubt you'll be using anything as primitive as a magnetic implant.
  3. Garethnelsonuk- as to the magnets strength i wasn't too worried about that i was more worried about it rejecting several years into the future when im older 
    Zeitgeist & Garethnelsonuk- as to a peircer i don't belive i'll be able to find one that will accept implanting the implant as i live in nz, also is there anyway people have to legally block the pain of getting the implant? i mean i know peircers can't do it but is there any specialised numbing cream or painkillers that one could buy and use prior to getting the implant?

  4. Cream are just for the skin layer, not for the "meat" under the skin. You can try legal analgesic, search for them on internet to know wich are legal in your country. But take some that don't make you fall asleep.
  5. Ah alright, thank you sir/miss your advice it had been extremely helpful
  6. does dangerous things ship to you? they have a pain management kit... also, if you are in nz, i think there is a bit of a grinder community there that can help you with your other questions regarding finding a piercer.
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