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Questions about Magnet Implant

Hello everyone, I've read this forum for some time but since I've started to want to move forward on getting a magnet implanted in my finger, I figured I would join and ask a few questions.
Firstly, where can I get suitable magnets? TiN seems to be the best coating, but I can only find them from Dangerous Things, who is indefinitely back-ordered. Is there a comparable alternative I can use if I cannot find a TiN coated magnet?
Secondly, where on my finger should the magnet be implanted and how deep from the surface is ideal? (By surface I mean both from both sides of the skin.)
Thirdly, should I consider injection instead? I hear they are generally less sensitive.


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  1. Read the wiki. Then if after reading it you still have questions go from there. It'll save us repeating something that's be answered and written up.
  2. I have read the wiki. It answered many of my questions, but those three are not discussed. Sources for magnets are listed, but with no regard to what types of coatings are better. I've read so many different things I don't know what to believe. Some swear by Steve while others call his magnets outdated, etc.
  3. I just realized that sounded kind of matter of fact. I didn't mean to sound that way, I was just in a hurry before my break ended.
  4. Titanium seems to be the preferred coating right now, but paraline is also quite commonly used and still remains a viable option. You just have to be careful (which you should be, anyway!)
    Honestly, DT is the only place I know where to have the TiN ones sourced. Paralines are a little more common, and often if you find a mod shop that'll install them, they'll likely have them in stock and sourced from either Hayworth or Samppa.

    Injection is becoming more popular, but I think those work best when you're working with a larger area than the fingertip, IE side of the hand or wrist.
  5. Speaking from personal experience I would say the Titanium is better specifically in the sense that the coating takes up a lot less space in the finger and it doesn't feel so intrusive. I had first gotten a Haworth magnet in my ring finger and then later traded it out for the TiN magnets in my middle and ring finger on the same hand.

    The ring finger still gives me issue on occasion as the scar tissue that has built up from the first magnet is so large it makes the middle finger look like it doesn't even have a magnet in it.
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