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Steve Haworth silicone capsules

For those interested, Steve Haworth sells silicone capsules which can be filled with electronics - I just emailed asking for details and got told they can be filled with electronics without autoclaving.


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  1. Yes. Now if you really want to piss him off, ask for the details on the grade of silicone he uses. Ask him if it's been certified for medical use and long term implantation or if he's just using industrial grade to increase profits. While your at it, as him about the permeability of the silicone, and ask how long it will take until moisture makes it through and destroys your board and starts reacting with the battery within. Also, ask him how he sterilizes the silicone if it can't be autoclaved.
  2. I asked for it not to be autoclaved myself, i'll handle sterilisation.

    Do you know for certain that he uses substandard grade silicone?
  3. Ah. It really didn't have the humorous tone I intended did it? Each of those things were more intended as a "be informed" than an actual criticism. At one point at least, he was using materials that were not certified as being medical grade. Now to put this into perspective, I've implanted products into myself intended to fix your cavities quite a few times without a problem. Silicone is silicone.. for the most part. I would implant something he coated.
    The permiability thing is an issue though. You should definitely consider some kind of non-permiable layer over the board before sealing it into silicone.
  4. Right.

    I was planning on using liquid tape over my electronics before silicone anyway.
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