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Questions about magnetic implant (chances of breaking and how permanent it is)

Been lurking for a while, but this is my first post here so hello everyone.
I've been thinking about getting an M31 implanted on the side of my ring finger (the "vertical" side closer to the middle finger) and have a couple questions.

a) Does the magnet interfere with gym activites/heavy lifting?/How prone is it to break in the aforementioned location?

b) How long do people usually have their magnets in? Is it a permanent thing or something you get for a few years and then get rid of? If the latter, can the same site be used for reimplantation later?


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  1. If you poke around you will find these questions pop up fairly often. The answers are a) after it heals, it does not interfere with these things and breaking is not likely (like, if it breaks, you're hand has probably been crushed)
    and b) Magnet implantation is a surgical procedure and like most things called implants, it is meant to be permanent. You can get rid of it later, but it's quite small and there really is no particular reason to do so. Some people have mentioned that the loss of the magnetic sensation would be quite disappointing, if they were to lose one. Once properly healed, you can re implant in the old location.
  2. Thank you, these are the answers I have hoped for.
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