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m31 rejected

So my m31 came to the surface earlier tonight, i've removed it and stored it in a bottle of iso alcohol but I am naturally a little disappointed.

Annoyingly, it was healing wonderfully until I bumped the implant site on something and a few hours later the wound reopened - been trying to keep it in with dressings but when changing it earlier, I saw the magnet was at the surface and decided it wasn't going to stay in.

Thankfully there are no signs of infection as i'm always mildly paranoid with antiseptics and when I heal i'll retry the implantation but thought it'd be worthwhile to make a post here as another data point for people wondering about why these things reject. In my case, simple mechanical trauma did it.


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  1. If you have any pictures, could you please post them. Also, Could you make a short entry on the M31 rejection thread?(Link)
  2. Got no pics of the magnet coming out, I could snap a pic next time I change my dressing but it looks like hell due to the inadine (which looks like blood to most people).
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