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Orexin-A Group Purchase .


Displaying comments 31 - 34 of 34
  1. 1 µg = 0.001 mg

    So unless I'm mistaken 1mg will give only 5 doses.

    I have ordered by myself a vial of 5mg to test, if it works I'll definitely be interested in the group purchase option.  Is the Indigogo page up yet?
  2. Did you ever Recieve the vial and would you be willing to tell how well its working? Also what site did you order from?

    --Edit-- also how much did you pay for this?
  3. me and friend found this on the nootropics site for 90 dollars for a 5mg vial and we were going to purchase this, i was wondering if there were any long term health risks.

    ~~Edit~~ the website was if you guys know anything about how reliable they are info would be appreciated thank you so much!!
  4. I bought a 5mg vial from, it comes well wrapped in aluminium thermal insulation. In my case, after shipping cost was about the same as (which I have not tried)

    I want in on this deal if it's still live, please send me the details.  I can cover for others if we're not enough people. ;-)
Displaying comments 31 - 34 of 34