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Nootropic to help me get over my autism?

I am looking for a Nootropic to help me get over my autism.

I have been taking Alfa Brain, Nascent Iodine, and Beyond Tangy Tangerine. It is enough to get rid of nutritional deficiencies read by a basic blood test, but that alone wasn't enough to help me reach my goal.

I have rejoined HackPittsburgh in December with a goal of putting myself through a socializing crash course while finding a good place to host my Linux Users Group. While it worked, it didn't get me much closer to my goal.

My goal was to find a new job because the one I had sent me to the psyche ward for a day last year, but I still find it insanely hard to hold a dialog with recruiter and human resource types. I still can't speak their language, and there is no training course in existence that I know of that can get me there. I have looked for three years.

Now that the back story is out of the way, I am ready to experiment, the only question now is with what.


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  1. Most of the nootropics if anything make you MORE autistic, but that's not a bad thing. If you have social anxiety a nootropic isn't what you need, if it's bad ask your doctor for a beta blocker.
  2. For one thing.. I almost think there should be a floating disclaimer stating that don't diagnose our treat medical conditions. But... can you post your cbc and bmp labs?
  3. Probably one of the most interesting things I've thought about in a while.

    I would definitely agree with garethnelsonuk, most 'normal' nootropics will make you more autistic.

    I did a bit of Google'ing and found these, not particularly useful, but interesting none the less:

  4. @Cassox


    I can't find my BMP.
  5. The anxiety part.....check this out:
  6. @Oflameo I say I don't have autism, but I can relate to some of the problems autistic people have. One of the most useful things I do when I don't feel like I am being under stood by someone, is I use as few words as possible. So like "ware is the bathroom," I would say "umm Bathroom?" The trick to making use of there feedback is to analyze how complex of words they use and how much detail they go into, let's just say there response is "over there," and they point somewhere. That means they are not the sharpest knife in the drawer and you need to use the lest technical words you can, and when possible draw comparisons to a object or a simple experience. Like a capacitor to a battery, or a spring to a rubber band. My rule of thumb is the more details the more technical you can be. Another thing I would recommend would be while your learning the first trick is to tell them to stop you if you have any questions. If ironically enough is unclear let me know I will see about making a video when I have a chance. By the way I have no qualifications other than my experience and what has worked for me. Let me know if you have questions. Sincerely, John Doe
  7. I figured out something that works.

    I take 10mg of Noopept and 600mg of Alpha GPC 50% twice a day. I got both from, a great company, Powder City. It dampened my empathy so I can read people without being hit by empathy at the result of feeling how unprepared or ignorant other people feel.

    Then I switch in and out between impressions of Donald Trump, Stefan Molyneux, Joe Rogan, and Alex Jones. I also talk slower.
  8. At risk of sounding ignorant what's the hardest part of being having autism? And I mean is it one part of it over the others? I don't know much except for what I have seen from a kid that went to college with me.
  9. That is an easy one @Meanderpaul . The hardest part of having autism is that people keep Disrespecting My Time.
  10. @Oflameo That's everyone comrade....
  11. @JohnDoe, hey buddy, you don't know the half of it. If you did you would understand why I am entertaining the thought of acquiring antisocial personality disorder.
  12. I have a math teacher who does nothing but wine and bitch about me and a few others, I "argue" with her cause I try and explain what I don't understand. I had another one that untaught me chemistry, she couldn't even teach the same thing twice.... Then if you really really want to see people wast your time start a band.... Everyone becomes the next Adele of Eddie van Halen etc etc, then when you say no they go completely insane on you and wine and wine and bitch. My point is dumb people waste the time of people trying to do something in life. Then the other side of that is you are doing something worth leaching off of. Be annoyed and proud, of the wolf sheep and shepherd your a wolf. Hope things get better....
  13. This may be a completely evil thing to say, but I would like the chance to get the dumb people do something useful for a change. Even if it as small as getting them to troll me so I can pretend I am so much better than all of them and at least get my confidence up.
  14. No I get what you are saying, it's fair to give people a chance. Then if they try to screw you over than yea making them play into your hand is fair gain....
  15. By "Get over my Autism" are you referring to suppressing symptoms, or attempting to eliminate the disease itself? I have some limited experience dealing with severe autism as a clinician working with clients, but am not sure where you (you seem to be functioning well), might hope to go with utilizing nootropics or other augmentations to accomplish this. Have you had any luck yet?
  16. @navigatorj I mean get rid of the symptoms. To my knowledge is that the only way to get rid of autism is build another brain.

    In fact I would prefer to get a co-morbidity of sociopathy because it will mitigate all of the downsides I was currently having. I am having lots of luck actually. The Alpha GPC 50% and Noopept is still working. I managed to stumble upon good material such as to use as a guide.
  17. "By "Get over my Autism" are you referring to suppressing symptoms, or attempting to eliminate the disease itself? I have some limited experience dealing with severe autism as a clinician working with clients, but am not sure where you (you seem to be functioning well), might hope to go with utilizing nootropics or other augmentations to accomplish this. Have you had any luck yet?"

    Autism is not a disease, seriously - it's literally not a disease.

    Comorbids are of course a whole other issue and if you want to treat your actual problems, saying "autism" is not enough.

    Also, if you have actual problems a doctor is more appropriate than this forum.
  18. @garethnelsonuk I want to build a ASPD comorbid so I don't fall for any more time wasting bullshit dumped on me by clueless people or money wasting bullshit from sociopaths.

    I spent enough time having my productivity squandered by the government school system. I spent enough time in corporate psychic prison.
  19. Ok, sounds like we may have some definitions differences here. I've split things up re. autism itself, and the CHALLENGES of autism, to try to reduce that confusion.

    So in my lexicon, autism = the adaptively advantaged way a brain evolves very differently when under high stress during key developmental phases (conception to age 26). This involves the encouragement of high intelligence, systems thinking, introversion, highly-developed problem-solving skills... what else could a culture ask for, if stress has gone so high that kids are affected?

    And Autism CHALLENGES = the digestive, immune, toxicity, nerve compression/ damage, and stress-trauma that drag down health sufficiently that it's hard to tell what that person is like under all the illness.

    I can't change that my brain evolved in an autistic way.

    However, I can identify and address all the causes of brain inflammation and overall impaired function of physiology, emotional stability, and cognitive capacity, so that I optimize my gifts and minimize my challenges.

    Given that context, @Oflameo, I'm curious if you've ever done any assessments to evaluate which particular blend of health problems is at the root of your own brain inflammation?

  20. I got to say sad that stereotypes around this disorder are getting in the way, the people you see here in forums like this with asd are the lucky ones with I guesstimate between 120 and 150 IQ, the ones below 120 just don't have the capacity to deal with the obstacles in a sufficiently adaptive way unless they are suffering from a mild form of asd and the ones above 150 just don't have the social intelligence to adapt in any meaningful way. Autism does not make you smarter everyone is born with the IQ and social intelligence they are born with. These days
    People still equate ASD with savantism ala rainman and in the 1930-1960 this was true there were two sets of autistic patients those that were profoundly lacking intelligence and those that had an extreme surplus today people with asd span the entire IQ spectrum why this is could bring fruit to many answers on what could really be done. I personally believe that there is not a dramatic increase in autism cases per Capita but that contrary to today 1930's -1950's stay at home mother's had their own natural version of behavioral therapy that Lovaas in the end of the 60's - beginning of the 70's touted. Just look at some of the ASD behaviors in young patients and you see that a mother in the mid 20th century would have seen them as signs of disrespect or of a willfulness and would have done her darnest to prevent those behaviors. Our societal changes are to blame for the bulk of the increase in ASD IMHO.
    This makes me sad when I know that there are so many young adults out there today I believe could have lived perfectly normal adult lives instead of suffering the way many do today, in childhood the brain is sufficiently plastique to adapt if the right inputs are given, but because it's not politically correct, or child perversion services interfere it does not happen that often today.
    My ex has a son who was diagnosed with Asperger's today at 30 he lives a fairly normal life I credit him, but I credit her with stopping the worst of his impulses dead in their tracks while he was young, I also believe that without the threats of the aforementioned CPS his road would have had been less difficult because his mother would have been able to stop far more of his autistic impulses.
    My .02 for what it's worth, and to the OP my exes Son while having learned some patience, still hates his time being wasted as well. So you are so not alone there. And If supplements help you the more power to you.

  21. I have 145 IQ and have autism as well as problems with my stims. People look at me like a slug on speed. It's terrible to think that autism is the problem. As I remember correctly, people say that I am too smart for my good and wanted me to be locked up in the hospital with other troubled kids. I am 35 now and yet, genes are what fascinate me. Maybe I would rather to be autistic instead of having my autism ruin my life because of stereotypes.

    I think genetics are the part of the problem on my part but I would lose my mind if I do that.

  22. Welcome to the party, @Goeticgirl2086.

  23. @terramir said:
    I personally believe that there is not a dramatic increase in autism cases per Capita but that contrary to today 1930's -1950's stay at home mother's had their own natural version of behavioral therapy that Lovaas in the end of the 60's - beginning of the 70's touted. Just look at some of the ASD behaviors in young patients and you see that a mother in the mid 20th century would have seen them as signs of disrespect or of a willfulness and would have done her darnest to prevent those behaviors. Our societal changes are to blame for the bulk of the increase in ASD IMHO.


    Military parents would do the same thing to their kids. My mother, who was in the Navy in the 1960's and 70's, would deal with troubled kids before my birth. Then she gave birth to my neurotypical brother and me. And I would have problems communicating which caused problems for my family. Then I heard the word Asperger's and it changed my life for better and worst when I was 14. However, my mother learned how to deal with me in a respectful yet straight manner and tried her will to change some of the behaviors she didn't like.

  24. I second noopept, it is known to trigger neurogenesis and I've had luck with it helping me work on my ADHD with lasting effects. I don't recommend taking it daily for a long period, but as you process some part of cognitive therapy, it can give a genuine boost to help the change take root. I've felt bad side effects though taking it for more than a couple weeks at a time, but I haven't taken it in months and the effects I've worked on with it have lasted.

  25. I know this is an old thread but I couldn't help but post in hopes that the info will be helpful to others.

    I am 28 years old and I was recently diagnosed with level 2 ASD(autism), without cognitive impairment, with ADHD and GAD. The former diagnoses would have been Asperger's, but under the new dsm criteria it is all grouped as ASD. As a teen I was diagnosed with tourette syndrome but I am now told that could have been incorrect and based on the fact that I had uncontrollable self stimulatory behavior.

    I was seeking help for years without knowing my exact issue. I was using marijuana to cope with my anxiety however it did not improve my meltdowns and moments of anger. I was put on Adderall a few months before being diagnosed which did help focus and agitation while on it, but the crashes tend to be risky if I have to do anything that is out of the ordinary. After getting my diagnoses I decided to start supplementing, with vitamins, peptides, whatever I could. I decided I would find my own cure, and while I'm definitely not cured, I consider my condition much better treated than ever before.

    I am still using marijuana, as at this point I have used it every day for over half of my life (15 of the 28 years). However I only use tinctures that I made myself, to control potency and accuracy. I use 40-60mg of CBD, 20-50mg THC, and 30-60mg CBD 3 times a day.

    For suppliments I use
    NAC (N-acetylcysteine)
    Emoxypine succinate
    DMAE Bitartrate
    Vitamin D3
    Fish oil
    Magnesium citrate
    Vitamin b12

    I usually take my first suppliment dose in the morning by mixing Emoxypine, Cognizin, and DMAE with a glass of water. I usually do 250mg of each for the morning. Then I take a 750mg capsule of NAC with a 30g protein shake that has 3g of BCAA (repituable brand from Amazon). After that, but before I leave for work I do 5mg noopept sublingually. I repeat the suppliments in that dose 3 times a day, usually the other two doses are after lunch and dinner.
    Then at bed I take 500mg of fish oil, 100mg magnesium citrate, and 250mcg of b12 and 100-150mg THC and 100mg CBD tincture. I also still take my Adderall, as needed, maximum dose being 40 mg throughout the day (prescribed amount). I don't usually do full off days, as it can lead to instability but I have done a few during days that are highly leasurely.

    I do believe all of these suppliments benefit me greatly, however the noopept is absolutely one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Upon my first dose I noticed a profound effect on my mood and my mental state of being. I am normally very stressed and very neurotic, however this substance is capable of instantly and completely eliminating that feeling for me. Please note that 5mg sublingual is one full days dose, but I am doing that 3 times a day.

    The other suppliment I believe makes a giant impact on my mental health is the NAC. It takes a few weeks at 2000-2500 mg a day to notice the biggest difference, which I would say is self control, and it really reduces my obsessive thoughts from what I can tell. I also have reports from friends that it helps them with the same aspects of their ADHD or autism. My theory is that this is due to it's effect on the reward pathways of the brain.

    Under no circumstances should you ever start or change meds or suppliments without taking to your doc. And what I say is in no way advise, just my personal experience. However I can say that the noopept alone has changed my entire life. It's made me more social, more open to change, less fearful, and in general a kinder and more reasonable person. Cognition was never an issue with me, it was mostly emotional stability and anger issues that plagued me daily. My main reason for keeping the other suppliments in my diet are that they each have their own subtle effect, and some are also good for systemic health.

    I plan to periodically switch out or eliminate the Emoxypine, DMAE, and Cognizin, because the evidence of long term safety is somewhat lacking. But for now I am planning to keep the emoxypine and DMAE for a total of about 3 weeks, then switching them to as needed. I am continuing Cognizin for 6 weeks then also switching to as needed. I made this plan for myself based on info I have read and reports from others with similar issues

  26. You want to know the most easiest while at the same time natural chemical solution for this? Oxytocin. Anyway Oxytocin is known as the "love hormone" and is produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to facilitate childbirth, which is one of the reasons it is called the "love drug" or "love hormone." but it also helps you bond with family, friends and anyone you love, it helps you to feel calm and through that triggers a tend-and-befriend stress response which is triggered in response to threat. It refers to protection of offspring (tending) and seeking out their social group for mutual defense (befriending).

    Anyway this all sounds very biologically female but it really isn't, it isn't biological sex based, both males and females need this.

    Anyway onto the actual science of how can help Autistic people. Oxytocin has been trialed as a way of improving the anxiety symptoms and social skills of autistic people, including their ability to make eye contact and recognise emotions. It might also help to reduce repetitive behaviour and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.

    I use an Oxytocin nasal spray and it works great, I'm hormonally Autism treated and that's wonderful.

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