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Program RFID chip from key FOB?

Is there anyway I could program my RFID implant from my key FOB? Im tired of having to try and find my keys at the door to my school when I already have an RFID implant. Thanks.


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  1. Is your implant rewritable?
  2. The one I have is not, but I would be willing to implant another chip that is. @mcstuff

  3. This one from dangerous things is supposedly rewritable:

    I read about about its ability to be rewritten in a post by Amal on here a while ago, but haven't heard any updates. Can anyone verify?
  4. Thats the one i was looking at haha 
  5. @louisville13  did you see this thread?
  6. Thank you @AlexSmith that is exactly what i was looking for! Now maybe you can answer my next question, would this work with my key FOB? Im not really sure what kind of "card" (its like a little stick thing the size of a thumb drive) or what frequency it is. Thanks for any help! P.s. posting this makes me feel really out of the loop haha no more summer jobs across the country with no computer or time to be reading up on the forums xD
  7. @louisville13 Sometimes there is information about the chip type written on the outside of the fob/card. Is there anything written on your's? if so, I may be able to identify it, otherwise, your only option is find a reader (ideally a proxmark3, but other's work too) and use that to identify the chip inside.
  8. The other option is to ask the administrators to add the serial from your implant - just check the frequency and protocol it uses, and if it's compatible ask for your implant to be enrolled.
  9. from the sound of it I bet it's active rfid
  10. Unfortunately, all it says is HID. i doubt thats any help?
  11. Try asking your secOps team what the frequency is. That seems like the key to narrowing down your options :)
  12. pictures might help too
  13. I took a picture, but I'm not sure how to add it from my phone..
  14. In fact, yes, HID is one of the standard chip types. and yes, one of the cloneable ones. so if you can access proxmark3, a RFIDLER or maybe one of the cheap chinese cloners I'm currently testing, you should be able to copy it to one of the re-writable implants.
  15. Awesome! Thanks @AlexSmith ! Do you know what the read range usually is with the readers on the side of doors? I was thinking about implanting in my wrist, but if the read range is terrible i may have to implant in my hand so im not having to do awkward and movements to get my wrist to read.
  16. Most people implant in the webbing between thumb and index finger.
  17. yeah, read range is pretty poor, you have to get within 1-2cm of the reader. 
  18. Oh, so its going to be the same as trying to read my other chip with my phone. Ok back of the hand it is i guess. Unless its small enough to fit on the outer side of my pinky or something.
  19. I know someone who implanted on the outside of her pinky finger. She hasn't reported any problems. I have an RFID on the outside of my hand in the squishy part, here's that story, and I haven't had any troubles. In fact that has been my easiest implant to date.
  20. @McSTUFF Thats exactly where i was thinking of implanting mine, how deep did you implant it? Is the reas range any worse here than on the back of the hand? Seems like itd be a bit harder to implant here since its so meaty and theres no loose skin.
  21. The video should give you an idea of where it is located. I had someone implant it so reach wasn't an issue but as you can tell it wasn't a difficult procedure.
    YouTube video of implant
    I have an NFC in the webbing between my thumb and index finger and I would say the range on the NFC is better. I suspect the reason is that I got the smaller RFID chip from cyberise but I haven't found a reader that wouldn't scan although I have to press hard sometime.

  22. I also implanted in the meat of the side of my hand and the fact that there isn't loose skin I think may have helped. I didn't have to actually tent the skin because the skin was already tight and able to be punctured at an angle. I don't even really notice it now and all I do is swing hammers and use my hand as a blunt object (construction) even though it's probably not the best idea. I also used the rewritable chip and my only problem is I didn't know if I even implanted it cause of how small it was! I took the needle apart to check and make sure it wasn't still in it. The only thing I can't comment on is readability seeing how I haven't been able to find a reader yet due to money and knowledge of them. I'm hesitant to ask to use then one on my job site because I don't want it to lock my chip out after.
  23. @AlexSmith Have you tested any other readers that are cheaper than the proxmark3 yet? I want to buy the T5577, but I am waiting until there is a cheaper reader that has been tested with HID.
  24. @louisville13  The RFIDler also works. Also, the much cheaper Chinese cloner arrived a few days ago, it's sitting at home waiting for me to test it... I've just been busy finishing my biothem reader. but I'll get around to it in the next few days.
  25. @AlexSmith I just checked out the RFIDler, it's not too expensive, but unfortunately they're sold out. Could you keep me updated on what happens with the cheap reader please? Also, I'm stuck deciding between the T5577 and the ATA5577. Any advice?
  26. The T5577 and ATA5577 are the thing. ATA is the IC manufacturer part number and T5577 is what packaged chips are called.
  27. @AlexSmith Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me.
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