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Commercially available inductive charger

Just found this product:

How would I go about checking if it'll work through skin?


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  1. What i'm pondering is to take a wireless charging module like the above, pairing it with a lipol battery and an intel edison and bioproofing the lot before implanting. Setup the edison to provide a serial terminal over bluetooth and setup other bluetooth devices in the body and you've got a fairly decent generic platform.
  2. awesome idea! I have an inductive charger with my headset and it works awesome through stuff, you can test with like a piece of meat or something. each charger will state how far away you can be, normally anywhere from 4-10mm away from the charger. I would say you should get an old phone inductive receiver, they are a lot smaller and work through a phone case so it will for sure work through skin the board in these is also flexible making it nice for an implant. But almost all of these chargers do 5V and the Edison is only rated for 3.3 - 4.5V so you might need to step it down. (more space needed). Besides all of that its a cool idea and for sure doable.
  3. The adafruit ones use a divider for the output, easy enough to step down to 3.3v.
    You wouldn't bother steeping down though, just use a lipo charging IC that accepts 5v and it will regulate for you.

     Potential concern though, these coils are around an inch and a half in diameter. That's a pretty big pocket.
  4. yeah, the chargers are kind of on the larger size, but at least they are thin so the skin doesn't need to stretch much at all. body mod people do stuff like that all the time, you can do the entire back of your hand and those heal up alright. But the size is not the biggest issues, the battery is, if you get thermal runaway on that thing you will burn a hole through your skin and whatever is on the other side.
  5. I'm willing to go for this and go all the way, some questions: How did the circadia people deal with bioproofing? I'm looking into silicone around something hard to ensure that the battery can't leak (that would be quite nasty internally for obvious reasons).
  6. That's why you use a regulated Lipo IC, they handle balancing and clamping current to prevent runaway.

    This is a good fit for @Cassox 's PMMA coating, the rigidity of the battery coating actually increases the efficiency of lipos by a marginal amount.

    What size battery are you thinking?
  7. thats cool, I didnt know that a rigid coating would increase the efficiency of a lipo.

    Where in your body are you planning on putting this thing?
  8. I'm currently pondering either the upper arm (my forearms are quite skinny and thus there's not a lot of space there, it would produce too obvious a lump) or by the stomach area in a pocket of fat (of which I have more than I should down there). For charging I thought it was common sense to use a charging IC and a voltage regulator for output to your main processor.
  9. Common sense cannot be presumed on a site focused on shoving things into your flesh.

    Some of the threads here...
  10. I will direct people to this particular comment about location and material.

  11. @glims What do you think of the idea of using a pocket in my belly fat? That should not disrupt any organs as it wouldn't come in contact with them. As a side effect, it'd be a good excuse for why i've put some extra weight on......
  12. If you are putting something into your fat area, you are getting into messy territory. I'm not sure if you've ever done dissections, but your body fat isn't very robust. It's more like flan. It just feels strong because its protected by skin and inundated into your muscles, organs, etc.

    Secondly and equally important is that you would probably end up cutting though your abdominal muscles to make a decent pocket. It's not like all your fat is on top of your skin. A lot of it gets packed in around the organs...

    If you really worked at it, you could keep your size down and still pocket under the skin. However, like @TimmyCNinja 's Circadia and my random usb transdermal, I would stress that this would be for proof of concept only.
  13. Heh, flan.

    Fatty tissue isn't a good implant site.  Between the skin and muscle is best, and any other comment gets way too long.
  14. I'm going off this:

    There's a decent fat layer there above the muscles, so long as the device isn't massive i'm confident I can fit it in the subcutaneous layer.
  15. It would be a great spot, until your first squat. Upper chest would be far better. Look for areas with little movement. You might get away with the abdomen because the device will be small.. but upper chest is so easy. It's the classic location for a pacer.
  16. Where on the upper chest? In the breast tissue or more centred over the heart? It doesn't feel like there's a lot of space over the heart.
  17. On top of that, there's more likely to be important blood vessels in that area that could be accidentally cut, it'd be difficult to do without a better knowledge of anatomy than I possess, not to mention the awkwardness of doing DIY surgery in that area.
  18. Under the arm. The majority of pacemakers are over the ribs on the left chest, under the arm. Ranging up from mid rib-cage to nearly the armpit.
  19. Just looked up some pictures of pacemakers under the skin - for some reason I always figured they were placed closer to the heart with electrodes directly on the pacemaker itself. I'll still have to read up on the anatomy of that area to be sure I don't hit anything important but it looks feasible to self implant there.
  20. Yeah. It's a prime location. They do things like permacaths there as well. It's hard to find good placement really. Like the upper back would be easy assuming sleeping on a deck of cards don't bother you. Gut is good, until you have to bend over much.
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