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Heart Rate Variability
Dear All
I am looking to implant a Hear rate Variability monitor into myself. I think the best place for this is the earlobe. I have been researching various options and have come across who seem to be able to put a chip into the body and from reading this forum you guys are pretty much ahead of the game. It is great to meet people such as yourselves and any direction would be greatly appreciated.
The project
To put a Hear Rate Variability Monitor into my body as a permanent bio hack and to record at all times my HRV and map this my 'feelings' of well being etc. The best place we think would be the ear lobe for all sorts of reasons but would love to get other suggestions. Was also wondering if anyone has made a commercial product (ear lobe clip) as an introductory solution to my bio hacking goal for friends to use.
Any ideas greatly welcomed. please email on cransford@ gmaildotcom
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It's easy enough to make a rudimentary heart rate meter with an arduino and an IR transmitter/receiver pair.
You can find plenty of nifty pre-made devices to get you started with Arduino heart rate monitoring on eBay. These are external but a good place to start and later they will give you a benchmark.
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