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One Magnet is Stronger than the other.
I implanted around the 27th in my index and ring finger and although I tried my best to stay away from magnets and EM fields, I have noticed that my index finger magnet is considerably less strong than my ring finger. I have also confirmed that it is not about sensitivity; when tapped with a piece of metal, my ring finger would stick longer than my index which is weird considering there is a lot more tissue around the ring magnet in a sort of an egg shape due to what I believe to be an impending rejection. Will upload pics if I get the chance.
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I couple of reasons I could potentially see1st: You autoclaved or otherwise heated one magnet more than the other2nd: The ring finger, despite having "an egg shape" around it is actually closer to the surface due to the impending rejection.A few questions I have.What magnets have you used?What procedure for implantation did you use?How did you sterilise the magnets?
Depth can make a big difference in lifting/sticking power. I have two of the same magnets, and when I really jabbed a magnetic field sensor (the proper name isn't coming to mind right now) against my fingers to measure them they were very close in strength, but one is closer to the surface (I can even feel the shape better through the skin) and lifts things much better. I was actually just playing with some chain last night that stuck really well to the shallower finger, but not well to the other.
I did not autoclave my magnets. I used m31's. The scalpel method. Soaked the magnets in chlorahexidene for 30 minutes. On a side note my index finger might be starting to reject; its developing the same traits as my ring finger. At first I thought it was residual bruising but it's turning slightly lumpy.
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