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Real Baraka Possible??

For those who have seen the Mortal Kombat Legacy Show, The Character Baraka is portrayed as a surgeon/doctor who underwent self experimentation and managed to implants Swords/Knives/Blade-of some-sorts into both his arms. As I am no expert, i was wondering such a thing was realistically possible and if so how it could be done?


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  1. Highly unlikely anytime soon. for one, you'd have an opening in your skin.which would have microscopic holes, gateways to bacteria allowing for easy infection. another thing would be the weight. because of the blade weight, they'd simply fall out. in the end, they couldn't even be used because they wouldn't be able to get fused into your arms
  2. I am not an expert in such things either, but from a previous thread about body armor and such,
    it  would   most likely be for show purposes at best. and while a transdermal usb connection/ storage device is being developed by the awesome folks at   i do think that the issue of infection at the spot where the knife comes out of the skin would be the biggest issue. another thing is of course how bulky/ what material you are going to make the blades out of, how to make that biosafe, and  what you want to do with them. is this for show? is this to stab people with ? (joking obviously) do the blades go into the skin wolverine style?  do they always stay out?  what's the length if they always stay out, because if you think about it, accidentally moving your hand and having the implant rip our part of your hand could be a bit of an issue haha... anyways, i think it is possible, but probably not something you actually want to live with day to day... but then again the circadia wasn't particularily comfy but if you can dream it then you can do it.  so i guess what i'm saying is: if you really want to go for it, make sure to figure out all the tiny details first. then make sure to have a backup plan in terms of if it gets infected and you have to take it out. that's just a few things, i'm sure if you ask @cass or @glims they can give you much more pertinent specific info about this type of procedure whereas i can only outline some practical implications.. 
  3. In short, no. In long, noooooooooooooooooooopety nope nope nope. first time you hit something your arm would snap and any implant spike thing you had in your arms would come right out, er, off with them. Yay bleeding out on the floor.
  4. so, this is one of those classic 'here's a problem with prosthetic things' issues.

    say you get yourself a super powerful cybernetic arm. can lift 200k. you get that sucker attached, you go to test it out. you rip your arm right off cause your shoulder can't handle the strain.

    each time you "upgrade" one area, all the attached areas need to be able to hand the forces, strains, etc. cyborg ninja arm blades require cyborg arms, which require... you get the picture.
  5. in short, if you want cyborg ninja saw blade, we're gonna have to upgrade all of you, not just your arms :P Who's up first? I'll get cutting
  6. Some functions are best left for exoskeletons. If you're okay with walking around with swords for hands, wearing powered armor on a daily basis should be no biggie. ;D
  7. some real retarded questions on this board lately...
  8. hey, to all you naysayers... have you considered bone grafts to create a trans dermal horn like layer extending from your arm bone? yes this is very iffy, but if we had the means to , and a good chance of it growing on and so on. Potentially you could graft the bone on , have it  grow on lets say your radius bone and come out as a flat area through your skin. if the skin grew around it  sort of like it connects to the nails on the fingers, you would have a potentially solid block of bone to drill into and install your cool wolverine blade.   would this be a possibility? or is it too time consuming, and am i not understanding how bone grafts work?  
  9. I would imagine any form of rigidly-attached blade would be very uncomfortable and potentially injurious to the subject. Lot of leverage going on there.
  10. Did you miss me saying it would rip your arms off first time you hit something? I could have sworn I said that. 
  11. Just think about punching something with your teeth. Not biting, punching. With your face. It's probably going to end similarly.
  12. @chironex allright man i am not saying it's realistic, i was just speculating on how it could actually be done. i wasn't saying it should be.
  13. I'm just poking fun man. I think that this isn't possible is pretty well understood at this point. 
  14. haha no worries, your humor is subtle but i got it.
  15. This would be rather easy assuming a few things... one, forget about any extension/retraction nonsense. Two, you need to limit the impact angle to linear along the acids of either the ulna or the radius. There are some rather long dental anchor that could anchor into the bone, the problem is that they project out at like 90 degrees. In terms of beating something you run into the issue chironex states, but there are some really cool bone fixative available. As long as in contact with actual bone you could make a kind angular triangle of bone in which to place the transdermal anchor. As long as the force is distributed well by design you could have a striking blade object type of thing. Now being able to strike in a slashing your of fashion rather than a straight job adds complexity. Your not going to be able to put a bunch of anchor side by side, thus.. no distribution of force and the force is along the weak axis of the bone. One other thing... consider how the ulna and radius move during pronation and supination. You might lose some range of motion and because of how much movement occurs relative to skin, keeping the sites free of infection might be difficult. If an infection occurred it would also be risky because of the pathway to bone. I do think this is possible. In fact I think it's even something that could be done in the community. But, it's pretty disadvantageous and risky. I've looked into bone anchoring a lot. It's something I pretty convinced I could do, but I haven't found any purpose that justifies it yet.
  16. Hey, something you might consider looking at though off you really want to try for it.. memory metal. I could see nitinol shaped in some way so that upon activation the sharpened end thrusts out of flesh. I could see this as some kind of art project.
  17. @Cassox, so the tl;dr is basically "yes you can do it, but it'll be less Baraka and more Ezio"? :P
  18. Oh man, all I can picture now is the implants from the borg assimilation exploding out of the flesh.

    Thanks Cassox.
  19. Something that people always seem to ignore (with, ironically, the exception of the example image) is that the length of the human forearm just isn't long enough for something that can retract completely inside to also extend significantly beyond the knuckles.  This is presuming that it would exit below the wrist; something like Wolverine's claws are a different example that has a whole different issue of needing an internal channel through the wrist and hand that remains flexible when not in use.

    This is an example of something that isn't really possible by modding a human arm; the whole thing would have to be redesigned.
  20. Oni, that can be rectified by having the internal sheath act as the "anchor" for the blade. But that means adding an extension/retraction element. Also, while it would be "easy" enough to anchor the blade to bone, from a weapons standpoint, the only blade-type weapon that would be of any use would be something like a stiletto. Anything else would be too big to fit inside the arm. And it's easier to augment a punch then learn how to fight with a knife designed for slashing implanted in your arm. Also, it would be a purely offensive weapon, unless you're interested in strapping a couple titanium strips/rods to the other parts of your anchor-bone.  Parrying a strike with something like this... I don't even want to think about how that could feel, let alone what it would do to your arm. An advanced shape metal that extended and made a blade would also work best with a stabbing-type blade. It's easy enough to make a stabbing weapon from a manufacturing standpoint. No sharpening necessary. Just have a good point on your mold. But a cutting-blade is trickier. You actually have to take the time to sharpen and polish it, otherwise your cuts will be ragged and slow. I've seen a fair number of crystals in my lifetime (Many of the properties of a metal are determined by its crystalline structure), and I can safely say that pointy is a lot easier to do than sharp. 

    Oh and a more practical problem:  How are you going to keep all of that blood and gore, and all of the lovely microorganisms there-in, from taking the fast lane straight to your internals without having an internal sheath?
    The only way I can think of would be using a shape metal alloy in conjunction with a titanium sheath, with the shape metal engineered to be a perfect fit when retracting back inside. That'd scrape off the worst of the contaminants. And perhaps you could embed silver nano-particles in the inner walls of the sheath to kill off anything that's left. 

    Also, maybe making it a ballistic knife kind-of-thing would be easier in a lot of ways. No microorganism problems from blood/fluid borne diseases, all of the force dealt in an optimal direction, and something that works with stabbing sorts of things. 
  21. @TheGreyKnight, if we consider a ballistic knife one may as well go the whole way and just install a muzzleloader or a bowgun. I'm still getting very strong assassin's creed vibes from this thread, and I think I enjoy it.
  22. Wait, so we've gone from
    Can I implant bodyarmor?
    Can I implant a gun?

    I love this place.

    Cortex bombs, anyone?
  23. I still think the body armour was at least viable. This is just ridiculous. It'd make far mroe sense to just chop your arms off and replace them with fake ones with blades attached then try and bone anchor a gun. And even that doesn't make it a good idea. 
  24. Just make sure you chop them off one at a time or you won't able to install the robotic arms.
  25. Remember folks. Use the buddy system :P
  26. I personally want to implant a rock. Or maybe a big stick. As long as we are trying to upgrade with the antiquated I see no real difference.
  27. Well, if that's all antiquated, what's not in terms of weaponry? Shall we try for coil guns? Electrical weapons? Or perhaps war is antiquated.
  28. War never changes. The tools with which it is waged, do.
  29. "Wait, so we've gone from Can I implant bodyarmor? to Can I implant a gun? I love this place." I don't know why, but it reminds me of this: "Little girl, you freak me out - outside you're just pretty as a picture, but inside you're" "Hyper alloy combat chassis" And being serious, does anyone here actually have a real use for implanted armour or weaponry? It's something that sounds cool but carries a lot of risk for something that realistically isn't going to be used often unless you're in violent situations on a regular basis.
  30. "I personally want to implant a rock"
    @Cassox I think quite a few members of this forum have implanted rocks ;P

    There's no real use for body armor/weaponry, it just looks cool and is so core to cyberpunk it's the first thing you think of when someone says 'augmentations'.
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