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Bioproofing with another layer on top of sugru

Hi all, just been pondering this - would it make sense to coat a PCB in sugru just to give a smoother surface before coating in something else for the actual bioproofing?

What is the recommended material for bioproofing electronics and how big can they get before you have issues with cutting off circulation?


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  1. A nice titanium box is good. Or special bioproof glass. Or titanium nitride. Or PDMS. Frankly there's lots of things you can coat electronics in. Sugru on the other hand belongs only in the depths of hell from whence it came. That shit belongs no where in your body. Ima ctually tempted to go back through the forums and delete any trace of that idiotic substance so that no one in the future thinks "yes this is a good idea". Ideally you're using biosafe coatings all the way through. That way if something fails, there are redundancies. You don't smooth things out really, you put them inside of other smooth things, like a box, or a tube. Especially elecronics. Then you coat said box/tube.There are exceptions obviously. But no sugru. ever.

    As to size, well that's a more complicated issue. If you look at circadia that thing was fucking massive. And if you've seen body mod artists their shit can get large as well (see any beach in LA to see what I mean). That said you don't really want anything big. Smaller is better. Making implants like this is not a weekend project. They take copious planning and reworking to get tehm perfect before you stick them in yourself. Lets use the transdermal project I'm working on as an example. It is 3mm tall under the skin and about 1.5cm long. That to me, is about as big as im comfortable getting. Pace makers are pretty big all things considered and no blood flow issues. So a lot of it comes down to where you put it and how you put it there. You have to design around the tissue you want to implant in. If you're desgining an implant to go in your spin, you don't want it the size of a baseball.
  2. So basically Sugru should be avoided even with other stuff on top, right. For electronics I presume you'd put the whole thing in a case and then bioproof the case, is that correct?
  3. Yes. I was looking at coating a magnet in sugru before implantation. I then read all the horror stories of it disintegrating in your body and then the magnet rusting and having to get it removed. Sugru is no good. 
  4. Can we get a list of implantation commandments?
    Thou shall not implant sugru.
    Thou shall use the buddy system.
    Thou shall not irritate an implant site.
    Thou shall maintain a sterile field.
    Thou shall understand the nature of implant thou should takest unto thy body.
  5. I second the above.  but change the first to "Thou shall not implant sugru or hotglue" 

  6. And yes bioproof the case. titanium is best but surigcal steel is also fine. TiN is great for that. Hard as hell and very biosafe. It's one of the coatings I'm working on producing for a reason.
  7. if you are looking for an enclosure below the actual coating. HDPE might be an option,too. It's easier to tool than surgical steel, it's still pretty robust. It is a thermoplast so your coating would have to be applied at low temperatures.
  8. Now I really want to know where the idea of using Sugru came from...
  9. Dig through the earlier posts. When I resorted the forums I did and I found said origin. Can't remember specifics but it got dumb quickly.

    While your there, "learn" about brain to mushrooms interfaces :P
  10. What o want that that too! An implant that slowly doses you with shroom juice!
  11. naw man, it was some nutcase who wanted to build some weird chip thing that allowed mushrooms to connect to your brain. Not even for drugs. he wanted this to then connect to a computer.... At least I think. That's the best i could understand his bull shit. Ya know what, I'm gonna dig up the old thread and pin it for a bit so people can see how fucked it was and equally funny. 
  12. A mushroom that connects to your brain? err, what? Druggy and vibrational quantum blabla woo is nonsensical but at least sometimes internally consistent, but that I just can't wrap my head around at all. Link!
  13. It's pinned on the main page enjoy
  14. Reading that it seems he was talking about building a sort of biological computer out of fungi - why this would be better than traditional silicon is a whole other issue.
  15. His plan consisted of sticking wires in a shroom.
    There was nothing further than that.
    I had a good laugh.
  16. Fools, we could have had hybrid mushroom-human supreme beings like in Warren Ellis' Supergod. 

    Wait, that didn't work out well in the novel...
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