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This looks like a joke but if it isnt I want it.

What do you guys think?


Displaying all 10 comments
  1. It's doable, but the issue would be strain on the jaw. Anyone here knowledgeable about dental implants and jaw strength?
  2. I would have to imagine it as feeling uncomfortable, at best.
  3. Every one of those guys, rugby players, cringes when they use it. That could be instinct when putting sharp metal to your jawline but I can't imagine the first few times wouldn't be nerve wracking.
  4. I don't know about you guys, but whenever my teeth have forces exerted on them it feels cringeworthy.

  5. So as long as you have large corporate backing to pay the doctor you can get away with any stupid implant you want? Where do I sign up for that deal!
  6. Publicity stunts and money talk.
    It also helps that this is a standard tooth implant, identical in function if not appearance.
    Most of our stuff would probably be deemed 'medically unnecessary' and denied even for a corporation.
  7. 1) I doubt this is real
    2) You can open a beer bottle your teeth. No implant needed.I don't recommend it.
    3) Done right, not much pressure is needed. I still don't recommend it.
  8. Yeah, I've really looked at endosseous rods used in dental implants. I've tried to think of projects involving them but really haven't thought of anything worth pursuing. I don't see why they couldn't be used on other locations as well.
  9. How similar are they to the taps they use for bone conducting hearing aids?
  10. Well the dimensions appear very different. I haven't been able to find a size on the Bone Conducting Implant, but the dental implant rods are very long.
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