(Updated) The last bombardment – anyone after xBTs or xNTs?

edited April 2018 in Community

Hi again,

Massive thanks to some of you who showed attention & provided productive advice to the project. In response to that, I had a great luck to collaborate with a profoundly experienced implanter from Sacred Gallows Eastbourne, UK and KSEC(in official partnership with Dangerous Things) who will be providing credible resource supply. Wanted to proceed with a flexible schedule but considering timeframe I now would like to seek someone in the UK who has been after xBT or xNT implants and feels comfortable about taking part in a film shooting in which actual implant procedure will be performed and filmed. The film will be only used for research purpose and will be showcased at Royal College of Art degree show this year. Again the resource cost will be politely covered with a little reward for participating in the project. Looking forward!

Feel free to drop me a line: [email protected]

Sacred Gallows: sacredgallows.com/
KSEC: https://cyborg.ksecsolutions.com/

To refer to the previous proposal: https://forum.biohack.me/index.php?p=/discussion/2293/looking-for-participants#latest


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