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  • I believe this has also been used to simply culture more of the gene you want and then use that gene in an adeno-associated virus after purifying to modify the DNA. Isn't that essentially what BioViva did? Of course, if you can cut that step out all the better I suppose.
  • I have a topic somewhere in here on the subject, I'm extremely into performance oriented substances. I've turned to LGD-4033 as my "steroid" (it's a SARM) of choice because the gains are really good and the side-effects are so minimal that even a really strong cycle of it makes PCT a breeze compared to other things I've…
  • Only news I can offer is that in light of recent "DIY genetic engineering" progress, I spent some time just last night reading NCBI articles on myostatin knockout used in lab mice. The research so far is a little muddled but there is strong suggestion that myostatin is more important than we thought, helping with collagen…
  • I gotta say this is f***ing amazing! There are so many questions to consider here when even thinking about using this, but it's actually here. Absolutely wonderful!
  • Interested in one of these as well when they come up again, was just thinking about getting another magnet so this would be great.
  • Well, it's just more of the grinder type discussion to have. Everything you're talking about has communities that discuss them quite a bit. Bodybuilding communities that do no bar the discussion of steroids talk about everything else as well. By the time some news outlet runs a sensationalist article on a new pro-drug,…
  • I'd be more interested if they designed this as an internal implant, personally. First consideration for me is practicality both on a physical and social level. I know some people like having their mods highly visible as an ice breaker, but not me.
  • Well it's all about application. Again, stay away from actual synthetic testosterone and steroids before say, 24 at LEAST IMO because you will harm your hormonal development that way. That's why I suggested items that boost your own actual hormones rather than just jamming hormones themselves in. HGH is an exception to the…
  • Only if the growth plates are already closed.
  • There are tons of peptides that would be of interest to you freely available for order. GHRP-2 or 6 would help your body create more HGH on its own which would absolutely give you a boost. There are also several IGF-1 increasing peptides. IGF-1 itself is super cost prohibitive for the good stuff, but HGH you could actually…
  • "Girls tend to reach skeletal maturity earlier than boys. Their growth plates usually close around ages 13 to 15, while boys' growth plates close later, at around ages 15 to 17. Before growth is complete, the growth plates are at risk for fractures (breaks)." If you meet the criteria, certain hormones can make you…
  • Post how it goes either way, I'm considering a removal myself of an M31. I got it also about 2 years ago, it's not rejecting but it was never particularly sensitive and now I practically forget it's there unless I'm extremely close to a high power source, so it's basically pointless. You can also tell the magnet has lost…
  • Interesting, first I've seen. I actually read this awhile ago, just now replying. Reading up on it was pretty interesting and it seems super cheap. I think next month I'm going to dive in and get everything I need.
  • I really like how Cassox worded an explanation here. I myself can be pretty guilty of finding our own race at large to be pretty stupid and in need of correction. That said I'm pretty open about things I've done to myself. If I see someone using a compass for example, I never fail to mess it up with my hand. However, even…
  • I intend to get to this soon enough, right now I'm in ketosis trying to trim down a tiny bit from my last cycle and the energy levels are good. A good protocol on top of this should make a noticeable difference.
  • Definitely an interesting idea here! Having tons of SCOBYs in a couple jars from making kombucha here at home I may have to give this a spin. I'm a bit of a primitive living/colonial pioneer era nerd so I own tons of leather equipment of various design and want to see how it stacks up against the real thing. I feel like…
  • I hate when I go into a forum looking for answers to a question and the forum members all pile on useless opinions suggesting alternatives instead of just answering the freaking question, however... I think in this case it's actually warranted. For the end result you are trying to achieve, it seems that currently there is…
  • It seems to me that another issue even if you were to succeed would be your connective tissues not holding up to the sudden increased load. If tomorrow you woke up and could move your muscles faster and with more power and literally no other change, you'd probably start pulling and tearing everything if you tried to…
  • All I can say is good luck. :/ Keep in mind you not only have to worry about the coil, but the wires leading to it as well for power. I've never thought of a clever solution to that so it's always been either be efficient but visible, or hidden but a power hog.
  • Certain online peptide sellers should have it available. More likely you'll find peptides that aren't NGF itself but spur its production, I haven't personally looked plus I don't know if listing such sellers is encouraged here or not.
  • It would work however not only are all the problems you mentioned present, more importantly it also simply eats batteries almost too fast to be practical. The best solution for volume is small coils around the ear but unless you have long hair or are female and can reasonably pass them off as jewellery, you lose the…
  • Having considered this idea (still considering but not as much), your best bet is to just buy the "spy earpiece" set that inspired the original implant and play with the coil. You'll find really fast what works good and what doesn't as far as configurations go. I had the best output with loops around the ear but I'm a…
  • katngreen, that's an observed trait in women during menopause when estrogen falls, the sense of smell increases from the ensuing hormonal imbalance. I had a friend tell me once that some women you can tell when they're going through that because they suddenly use so much perfume thinking they smell bad when nobody else can…
  • Immediately, this looks like a variant of other popular scams such as the smart drugs supposedly touted by Stephen Hawking and the like (spoiler - they aren't). This looks no more effective than your typical caffeinated gum, honestly. Chewing is a very effective method of delivery as your mouth tissues absorb things very…
  • Are you wanting to actually repair problematic tissue, enhance what you've already got, or simply interested in the method as a novel technique? I ask because you can gain ridiculous amounts of muscle in just a year already with proper training, diet, supplements, and drugs to the point it's already uncomfortable.…
  • A quick but unfinished browse through some studies suggests NGF can "survive" DMSO solutions but at what concentration is unclear. An awkward time of holding your head back while using a large dropper to shoot in a buffered DMSO/NGF solution would probably do the trick, bearing in mind I haven't spent any time looking into…
  • Thanks for the input, that's the first I've heard of SR9009 and I've read a ton on SARMs, goes to show there's always more out there and that's a good thing I suppose. I've read studies on l-citrulline and have considered it. EPO could work but the thought scares me a bit. I'd have to counter that with something reliable…
  • This study may be of interest: I've read that NGF burns like hell injecting into far less sensitive tissue so I bet your entire face would feel like it's on fire, but hypothetically it could work. Edit - In addition I'm also reading that it can cause histamine intolerance which…
  • Thanks for the input. First off, June could be great and I'd be willing to run some benchmark tests and see how different ideas effect distance and speed while weighing myself and maintaining my mass. I was also toying with the idea of doing a Spartan Sprint in August which comprises of ~3 miles and ~22 obstacles. Second,…
  • I'd like to continue this discussion if nobody minds. There have been mice studies suggesting that telomerase gene therapy can in fact extend lifespan. Obviously what contributes to a mouse may not contribute to a human but let's humor the idea since currently attempting to extend one's life is a hail mary attempt anyway.…